Remotely Piloted Aircraft – Request for Approval

Please fill out the form below to request approval to operate a Remotely Piloted Aircraft within 4km of Kapiti Coast Airport.

Be careful to answer ALL fields accurately in order to avoid unnecessary delays in approving your request.
An approval cannot be granted unless you meet ALL necessary requirements applicable to Civil Aviation Rule Part 101.205

Basic Information


Flight Operation Summary

Flight Area on Map

Get My Position

Additional Information

Safety Observer


Submit Approval Request

An approval granted by Kapiti Coast Airport Holdings Ltd (the Airport Operator) confirms that the above RPA Operator has been authorised to operate the above RPA within 4 kilometres of Kapiti Coast Airport at the location described above, during the period of the approval, and subject to the following conditions:

  • 1. Compliance with all aspects of Civil Aviation Rule Part 101 at all times, or Operating Certificate if operated under Rule Part 102;
  • 2. Compliance with the Airport Operator's Standard Conditions for RPA operations within 4km of Kapiti Coast Airport;
  • 3. Compliance with any further conditions and/or restrictions as notified by the Airport Operator in an approval given;
  • 4. The safety measures stated above are put in place and adhered to;
  • 5. The permission of the property owner or occupier will be obtained before operating over any property;
  • 6. The approval may be immediately terminated by the Airport Operator in the event of a breach of the conditions or an unsafe situation arising.